Here is the Easiest Money Making Machine Yet.
This Money Machine Operates OFF-Line!
But Stay Tuned... Take a Look at This!
~~I'm sorry. You must have a U.S.A. Postal Address to Participate.~~
Below is a Preview of My Personalized Lucky Card.
Click Here to print out this preview, and use it to place your order.
Follow the directions on the card image.
Click Here to Print Card Image and Order
Any questions? Please email me: Doris Newnam - MyLuckySquares
Click Here to Order Your Personalized My Lucky Squares Card.
My Lucky Card
Be Sure to Include your Name and Physical Address
Plus Your Contact Email Address.
Yep! We're talking snail mail!
No Pay Processors Here!
Just Enjoy Money Orders in Your Mail Box!!!
Here's how this works. You have the option to Choose 2 Lucky Squares, or, 3 Lucky Squares, or 4 Lucky Squares.
Next... You will send a money order to each of the people listed in the squares that you chose, for the amount listed in your chosen squares, plus a money order to the Monitor:
For more information, check the Official Web Site:
Do Not Close This Page. A New Window will Open.
Please return to this page to request your Lucky Card.
My Lucky Squares Advertiser - Money Maker
NOTICE: My name is Doris Newnam. I am now the new owner of My Lucky Squares Advertiser - Money Maker. This page was originally for the convenience of sharing this money making opportunity with you under the former owner. I have kept it active due to advertising in effect.
This is NOT the official web site for this program, nor is it a referral page. Referral pages are not furnished. You are responsible for your own advertising and mailing lists, whether on-line or off-line. However, when you request your card, if you would like a similar page for promoting, there is a $10 Set Up Fee with Free Hosting for one year upon activation.
Please go to the main web site for more information:
My Lucky Squares Advertiser - Money Maker
Please review the options on the card and then request a card if you would like to participate. Obviously, you are going to have to spend money to get money. To order your personalized cards, your initial outlay will be a minimum of $25 for the 2 lowest dollar squares, to a maximum of $285 for the 4 highest dollar squares, plus $55 to the Monitor for the print setup, printing and shipping of your cards. As you can see on my card, I selected one square in each row. The dollar amounts are always the same on every card, but the names change on each card as selected by each card owner. You pick and choose how much you want to spend by selecting 2,3, or 4 squares from anywhere on the card you receive. Keep in mind that the amounts you select and spend, will be the amounts that go on YOUR card, and the only amounts you can receive back. However, the returns can generate income for years to come as your card starts to circulate. And once you have your own Lucky Card, you are in business for yourself and can mail out or give away your cards as often as you wish. I carry a few of mine in my purse. Opportunities are often of our own making. Who knows who I may see while shopping, running errands, etc. who might like to get Money Orders Flowing into Their Mail Box!
After you print out the order page, you will need to select your squares and purchase money orders accordingly. If two or more of the squares you choose go to the same person, you can add up the total amount owed to that person and just purchase one money order for the total owed to that person. You will mail your card with your options selected, along with a money order to the owner/monitor, plus a copy of all money orders showing who you are paying. Just read and follow the directions on the card. There is nothing difficult to do.
When you received your order of personalized cards, you will start mailing them. While waiting for your cards to arrive, obtain your mailing lists* so you will be ready to start mailing. These cards only require the postcard rate of .28 each for postage. There is nothing to send with them. They carry their own message and sell for you. You will be paid directly. No one else handles your money. Read the information on the card images. When you receive a money order, it may be for the amount of only one of your squares, or even all of your squares. Just as you are picking different money squares regardless of the name on them, others will do the same. And on the plus side, because your name will stay on that person's card if not picked, and be mailed out to others, your non-selected squares will be seen by even more people. It's win-win. Keep mailing, be patient, and watch your mailbox!
Thank you. Best wishes.
God Bless.
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WebMaster: Doris Newnam